FTN Exporting: Established 1988
CEO: Davide Giovanni Papa
Melbourne City Australia
No other contact given on line.
Trading :
From: 1 January 2025



Buying and selling commodities world wide using legally defined  procedures for use by home based intermediaries, brokers and the likes, whether you are from Chicago, Tim Buk Tu or the North Pole if you want to conduct a commodity deal- the uniform doctrine of trade must apply
FTN Exporting has been with the same hosting service for decades. The site pages may be outdated- when compared with the glossy sites out there today; but it has done its job extremely well. The site  simply attracts  visitors by word or mouth. “I figured– what the heck; why change something that’s working extremely well.”

Word of mouth is the best publicity one can get, the big problem is that it often  takes a long time for this aspect to take effect. A PCT depends on ‘word or mouth’ generated business. An ill-informed intermediary  can no longer rely on “good luck” when it comes to the buying and selling of commodities or related business of international agency. From 1988, FTN Exporting spent 8 years following the nonsensical and unworkable advice and procedures being plied by mostly people  who have no idea what they are doing. “I had to do a lot of formal studies to finally work out and discover what the correct intermediary type of procedures are.” Today  many informed Professional Commodity Traders (PCT) are located world wide; all having  learned  the safe and properly applied  trading procedures, laws and rules  when buying and selling commodities-by applying our Doctrine of Trade. Follow the advice and trading procedures as advised in the  doctrine  to close upon a lucrative commodity deal. ITSI is our formal and fully edited doctrine of trade still relevant as a first print edition after 14 year of release. ; WINE PDF is 4 times larger and breaks its down to it in formal Beta masterworks. FTN Exporting developed the first and only legally defined set of trading procedure made for ill informed traders, supplier, end buyers brokers and agents world wide. The FTN exporting doctrine of trade is also a uniform application worldwide.International trade rules and laws overrides localised policies and practices - no matter which you try you are from. The economic might of a country like the USA or China must conform to the these trading rules as such rules apply ICC incoterms standard delivery terms, whether you conduct an import export deal by ships or cargo planes. Intermediaries must also follow the same rules with the support of english law of International trade, which also applies a world wide presence. FTN Exporting has formally changes the global intermediary market place, once for all, 14 years ago after first entering the market place in 1988.It has been a long road.

FTN Exporting g created first and only genuine set of  buying and selling  procedures that an intermediary could study and apply when sourcing, buying and selling  commodities. We are known world wide. We have closed the ill informed market place world wide. Once the study part is completed which takes around 3 months - more or less,  and some good practice  has been made, the process and procedures will remain with the intermediary –forever.  This means if a PCT takes a break from trading  for a few months or years, they can pick up from where they left off easily. 

The once  ill-informed intermediary becomes an International Trade Specialist (ITS) bearing a business title of  “Professional Commodity Trader.” These  highly informed traders are united under the USCT logo; which means such PCT’s  can create stringed deals  with other PCT’s as per TRIBE Rules of Association (TRA) which states “ the person holding supply becomes the principal trader is such a string.” USCT members have added in-house rules to apply as well. 

It all sounds ‘simple enough’ but don’t be fooled. The term ’simple’ does not mean ‘easy.’ A complex study means there a whole lot of small aspects of trade that must be learned and understood before the big picture is served. To earn a huge sum of money by closing one single medium sized revolving deal takes efforts , knowledge and skill. The PCT has to indeed ‘earn’ such a profit. This kind of money is not earned for doing very little like passing useless information around all day. Some will never close a deal, no matter how long they trade, some will get close often, some will actually close a large commodity deal(s). This is the true nature of this lucrative but complex business application .One has to spend at least a year trading to know if this business is for them. Those who want to give this business a serious attempt, must study the doctrine first, or your chances to close such deals are literally zero otherwise.

In Summary

The PCT working full time or in their spare time completes the study and starts trading to obtain much needed practice. Mistakes are tolerated as the PCT refines the process over time. Big deals take time to close as such in this period of learning and gaining experience , word of mouth will ‘get around.’ after 12 month of studying ands practising, large deals begin to form. History then dictates the rest. The FTNX doctrine of trade describes complex situations and procedures is a very simple to understand manner that most applicant will be able to understand quickly. Huge profits are only earned because knowledge and, skill and efforts were applied by the PCT.

Please note intently: If you cannot read and write in english to a reasonable level , have a criminal record for fraud, don’t take up the study; otherwise make your selection and remain trading for a long time is our best advice. To score and seal one large lucrative revolving deal using brains and not brawn is well worth the efforts made. For those who work during the week, FTNX is online weeks as well.We created the only doctrine of trade and trading procedure that is suited for use by home based traders and even exporters, importers, brokers agents , law firms, bankers and the likes. FTNX has tested its doctrine ago close on deals. FTNX is instruction not just matter of rules and laws , but nearly 40 years experience well. Not many authors can make such a claim. Do the study and toss your hat into the trading area as a highly informed Professional Commodity Trader . The investment is small for potentially a huge return. Worse case scenario , you would have learned a complex application that could guide your business application is the future. Best case scenario, you’ll close one large deal and remain trading forever after- “once the trading bug bites it is very hard to give trading up.”

Valid From : 1 January 2025 AEST
Price moves up and down on rise and fail did USD against AUD.
FTN exporting has been a leading Paypal member approaching 20 years
Paypal can accept payment even if you do not have an Paypal account by applying payment to:

WINE PDF: 6 Segments PDF
TOTAL Pages: Exceeding 100o printed on one side
TOTAL WORDS: Exceeding 320,000 words.
SUPPORT: AS STATED via “Question and Answer” units (Q&A)
COST: US$ 758.00

You are a home based self learner and/or intend to trade in commodities as part of a string. You are prepared to read the doctrine over a 3 month period and start trading as advised in WINE. You are prepared to remain trading for a long time measured in years. SUPPORT: Free Incentive: 3 Q&A units via email comes with the offer. Unsure about anything to do with procedures or trade issues, simply send us an email using your own words ( don’t cut and paste paragraphs from the doctrine) describing the issue . We’ll serve reply quickly by email. Applicant has an extended and generous 6 months of purchase to use the 3 Q&A units. If it has to do with trading ; simply use a Q&A unit

USCT LOGO: To disclose to other crossing your path that you are highly informed trader.
PRIVATE CONTACT: Private direct Gmail address to FTNX


COST: US$ 1200.00
PRIVATE CONTACT: Private phone number and Gmail address to FTNX

The USCT applicant has purchased TWINE 8 months earlier or more and feels they understand aspects of the doctrine the but would like FTNX to be on stand-by to assist the PCT as needed with advice and directives when trading on their own  deals or our deals found in the SPCT library. The applicant already understand the basic trading aspect and wants to advance on such aspects. The stand-by period is for 12 months. No publications served . The applicant receives an exclusive SPCT ( Society of Professional Commodity Traders) membership/logo which signifies that the applicant has authority to ‘conducted trade deals’ personally with for their disclosed principal FTNX.The SPCT logo defined a highly informed commodity trader who has traded with FTNX its apparent..

(a) The applicant may work on their own deals and seek advice /assistance when needed. FTN Exporting has no part is the deal being tried by the USCT endorsed applicant who bears full responsibilities of their own actions: and/or -
(b) The applicant may also secure deals for FTNX under guidance and learn matters of trade that may have taken month or years to learn alone. The SPCT applicant also has added access to the FTNX library as well, which means if the applicant decides to trade on such documents, they interact in a full transparent manner with FTNX who does the closing should a deal head to contract. Your disclosed principal is FTN Exporting when you apply your SPCT number on a document accessed from the SPCT library .This aspect is providing first hand experience and educational aspects while the applicant is actually conducting a live deal. Even if only a few interaction occurs at this level , the applicant will advance on their position by months or years.This aspect ensure the applicant is ‘pointed’ in the right direction as the PCT eventually conducts their own deals. FTN Exporting bears all responsibilities of a PCT on the condition our advice and directives are followed. Down load material and send it to FTNX when a supplier or end buyer is secured; we’ll serve private confidential guidance as such a time. Mistakes are tolerated for the first few months as the PCT learns the right way to trade from FTNX directly. In the unlikely chance a SPCT endorsed PCT closes on a deal in under 12 months, FTNX protects all commission payments. The applicant is learning to trade in where 12 month minimum is needed before any viable deal becomes apparent is presumed from the start, as FTNX is serving an educational aspect. Any added benefits are simply treated as an unexpected bonus. The PCT will be dealing is real live deal situation as part of the learning process with FTNX by your side.


SPCT LOGO : Specifies Specialist Status


(a) If a new applicant takes offer (a) and (b) at the same time the combined prices is discounted to US$1658.00 where the new home based applicant MUST study TWINE for the first 2 months and asked questions where clarity is needed, before they can act on material found in the confidentially served SPCT library for and added ten month period thereafter.

(b) Past applicant with an older copy not our doctrine who were issued with a USCT number ( 2016 onwards) or other endorsement (Pre 2016) and is looking to update their publication and return to trading may purchase receive offer (a) and  (b) at the conbinded cost of US$ 1358.00 Please provide USCT number or other endorsement served, if taking this offer.


Apply the offer details and pay by PayPal making payment to which is our long standing Paypal payment advice. You don’t need an PayPal account to make payments from PayPal to our email address.

(1) Read terms and conditions below: Make payment of selection made
(2) Send email that payment has been made;
(3) Advise a personal profile about you ( Work/education/skill/ /family etc)
(4)Wait for our reply ( within 24 hours) of payment clearing
(5) Following our directives from thereon via our private gmail address which will be provided with our first reply

Note: It takes around 30 minutes to provide a full WINE PDF aspect, this means when the applicant has a spare 30 minutes and that, contact is established with FTN exporting with those applicants on an opposing timeline ASAP. The applicant must be at their computer when the download aspect is enacted. Download to iPhone not allowed. The applicant must place all files into one folder and have an office set up at home or at work.

Terms and Conditions
(a) This is not a get rich scheme .
(b) A high end educational study aspect.
(c) If you cannot afford the cost, do not apply.
(d) A BETA copy of WINE is offered as relevant to the offer made. It takes years to formally edit a publication the size of WINE as such, mistakes in grammar/spelling will not detract from the overall complex lesson being served– in a very simplified manner.
(e) The wrong thought; is to buy the study and recoup the cost on your first deal. It will take at least ten months to trade alone to a reasonable level of application .Time does the rest.
(f) Over 50% of applicants don’t last 15 months before giving up. Around 27% of applicants are still trading 7 years or more purchase.
(g) A study and practice application is served
(h) Longevity is an important aspect. Mistakes are needed before success can prevail.
(i) A high end fast track academic level educational aspect is on offer.
(j) 3 or 4 years of formal study condensed in under 12 months
(k) Fair use policy applies. Asking too many question or tying down FTNX with too many requests will cause a slow down of services.
(l) For purpose of clarity FTNX charges US$250.00 per an email consult session alone, this aspect highlights the undervalued aspects of offers made.
(m) Good and honourable intent applies at all time when delving with FTNX
(n) Dishonourable acts could incur immediate detachment and cancellation of service taken.
(o) Delivery of the publication is guaranteed even if delays are apparent.
(p) If you are unable to download and open a PDF segment, FTNX has the right to call upon a nearby member to assist you.
(q) NO REFUND POSSIBLE once purchase is made as no preview is offered on this unique study and material provided.
(r) No reproduction of TWINE PDF in any manner allowed.The publication comes with a license to use policy and is served personally to the person making the purchase.
(s) USCT member may use information found on the FTNX website on their own website on the condition acknowledgement of FTN Exporting is offered however small.
(t) SPCT members may also promoter their status on there website ; and may sell TWINE on behalf of FTN Exporting by taking orders locally ( local state /country) and submitting such to FTNX ( as instructed if this aspect is sought /commission paid)
(u) Applicants living in a country where US,ECC and UK trade sanctions are in force may not apply for the study.
(v) We cannot gauge a person personal attributes and abilities as such we simply cannot guarantee trading success.
(w) What is guarantee is that the lesson served to the home based intermediary can legally, safely and formally closes on large revolving commodity deals , no matter the product being purchased and sold.
(x) The PCT must learn to become a highly informed educated seller and buyer of commodities in their own name; by learning correct procedures, the chances to close such deal otherwise is literally zero.